What is a Tribute Website? What is a Tribute Page?

A Tribute Website or a Tribute Web Page is a modern way of commemorating the Life of a Person or an Animal or an Important Event.

Creating a website or web page to the permanent memory of the subject of the site helps bring closure, as well as providing a convenient way of sharing with friends and family both the good times and possibly the “not so good” experiences, assisted by photographs, videos and other records of the time.

It is an ideal way of sharing special moments and personal stories about the Life or the Event, and also allows visitors to the site to make their own personal comments and observations, which can be monitored and approved by the owner of the Tribute Site.

Because the Internet is universally available. everyone has access to the information wherever they may be in the world, although you may want to create a username and password to allow only specific users.

And language is not an obstacle because the Tribute Site can be translatable at the touch of a button into almost any other language as can be seen at the top of this website page.

Why Would I Want a Tribute Page or Website?

To Commemorate a Life or an Event.

The most important reason for the existence of a Tribute Site or Tribute Page is that the Owner of the site or page – the person who makes the financial commitment – feels that the Person or Pet or Event (the Subject) should not be forgotten, and that he or she wants to share his (or her) personal memories with others who may have known or been involved with the Subject.
Where an Event is the subject of the Tribute – such as a Wedding or Barmitzvah,  Graduation or Special Trip, Play or Performance or even a Funeral – the tribute page or website also allows those Friends or Family or Colleagues who were unable to attend to share in the occasion, to watch any videos and to see all the photos. It is also possible for them to leave comments and messages for the Owner. 

To Provide Access to Information in one Convenient Place as a Permanent Record 

Most people now use Cloud applications like DropBox or Google Photos to store their files and images and Videos, but the problem is that the information is often not collated or indexed properly, and there is a natural reluctance to allow others to access this information, which may be stored with other private files and pictures.

A Tribute Website enables the owner to add his or her Foreword or Comments, and choose exactly which photos, Videos, images and documents should be made available. It allows access to anyone from anywhere (and can be username/password protected), and is a great way to receive and answer any specific comments and messages. 

Do You Have an Example of a Tribute Website?

An example of a Tribute Website, built by us, is the tribute to Jean Warren whose photo is attached.

Her older son, Richard, wanted to commemorate the life and times of his mother, who was also a Water Colour Artist, and so the one Page Tribute Site was built, with a Foreword from Richard, and featuring a number of historical photographs and a display of some of her many paintings and artistic works. Clicking on the image will open up the Jean Warren Tribute Website.

Jean Warren Artist
Jean Warren Artist

What is Needed to Create a Tribute Website or Web Page?

There are three Steps to Take

Unlike a Business, choosing a domain name for a Tribute Website or Tribute Page is comparatively easy because there is no requirement for the Domain Name to rank highly with the Search Engines.

Highly ranked Domain Names are often more expensive where the name itself is short and the tld is a “.com”  If you would like to know more about Domain Names, we have produced a short Power Comms Video with a further green button link to the Video below, which explains the terms used by, and the basics of, the Domain Name Market.

Because a tribute site or tribute page is predominantly a private website, the Owner can choose a longer Name, which is more likely to be available and the .tld does not need to be one of the more expensive – such as .com or .net 

As at 2021 there are nearly 400 .tlds available. 

More specialist .tld examples which would suit a Tribute Website include:


If relevant, we would recommend a country .tld such as .uk (United Kingdom)
In our example Tribute Website – given above – the Domain Name used is jeanwarren.net where the name is jeanwarren and the .tld is .net
This domain name could just as easily have been jeanmollywarren.uk or jeanwarren.artist

Other tribute domain name examples could be:
susanswedding2021.uk (£8 per annum)
myfaithfuldogrex.com (£10 per annum)
brianandmarysmarriage2016.wedding (£25 per annum)
mytriptohawaii2019.info (£15 per annum)
crantockvillagepanto2021.org (£10 per annum)
etc etc,

To choose a sutable Domain Name simply visit our online shop, by clicking on the image or green button below, and under Categories on the right of the page, select the special “Tribute” Category (bottom right) and then add the name you have chosen to the www. bar at the top. You will then be shown a list and the price of available domain names with the Tribute .tld extensions

The same process can be used for Country tlds by choosing the Geographic Category.

A link to our Domain Shop is also at the bottom of this page.

It may be that you already have a suitable Domain Name, in which case this step is unnecessary.

Assuming you have not yet bought a Domain Name, the next step is to search for a suitable domain name on our Domain Name Search facility as we describe in Step 1 (above) and then purchase it through our online shop.

You will need to create an account or set up a user profile so that you can access the Power Comms Shop, and complete the purchase, which is a simple process – requiring your email address and setting your password.

The prices we show above for the example domain names can be confirmed in the shop, and in most cases you should not need to pay more than £10 per annum.

The Domain Name should be registered to you personally so that you always have control over it.  

Once you have purchased your Tribute Domain Name, the next step is to order the Tribute Website which is done through our online shop by selecting the Website Creator Package – see the image below. We have made this very simple.

Normally a new website build requires hosting, SSL and other services which will cost in excess of £600 in Year 1.


Initial Cost
For only £250, we are providing:

  • The Website Creation
  • SSL
  • Website Hosting
  • Basic SEO
  • Translation Option if required

This includes the site design and the first year of SSL and Hosting.

Ongoing Website Hosting Cost
After the first year, to renew the site (Hosting and SSL) costs only £100 per annum or £10 per month.

The Special Offer Tribute Site is a One Page site – as for the jeanwarren.net Tribute Site, which is given as an example above.
If extra tribute pages are required, they will cost £50 per page and can be added at any time.
For any additional site information, such as new Photos and/or Videos or text, we will agree an additional charge with you based upon the time required.
There is a practical limit to the amount of data that can be loaded to a site, and we reserve the right to charge extra for any substantial volume of information – although this is highly unlikely to be necessary for the vast majority of Tribute Sites. 
If you want to use a domain name that you already own, it can either be transferred to us using the same Shop Domain Search Page OR for a small charge, we can arrange for the Domain DNS to be changed at the Registrar for your Domain – we can advise you on this.

Tribute Domain Name Search
Choose Domain Tribute Category (bottom right) and enter the Domain Name in the Bar at theTop.
NB. Although Prices are quoted in GBP £ we can accept payment in $USD or Euros

What Happens Next?

We ask you to kindly complete the Form attached which confirms your order, and to acknowledge that you have read and accept the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy for this site, with links to both at the bottom of this page (Footer Menu).

We will then respond by email and/or by the contact details you have provided on the Form, acknowledging your Order, clarifying any issues and providing you with confirmation of the cost and the likely completion date for your site.

We rely on you to confirm and provide copies of the text, photos, videos and any other information you want to be displayed on your Tribute site or page. Where this cannot be done via email, we will arrange to upload the files from a suitable location – such as Dropbox for example. We will allocate one of our web designers to your site and he or she will liaise with you to confirm layouts and colour schemes available with the basic site design.

To contact us with any questions, please add the question(s) to the Form or use the “live chat” facility available at the bottom right of the page: this can also be used to send us a quick message should Customer Service not be actively available.

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Tribute Website Page Enquiry and Application Form

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